Malaysia's Head Lice Removal Salon

We have taken the step to relieve pressure for those who believe it is difficult to inform friends/family members regarding head lice issues. This E-mail will be sent out from us but your name and information will not be provided to the recipients. It will be an anonymous email from Lice Ninja to the Recipeients. This is our service to help you communicate openly. The reason we ask for your information is to ensure that no one misuse this service to send spam emails. You may try to send an-mail to yourself as a test drive and see how anonymous it could be!

Your Name (will remain anonymous):
Your E-mail (will remain anonymous):
Recipient's E-mail:
Areas with lice outbreak:
Comments: Lice Outbreak - Informed by your friend to Lice Ninja

Salam & Hello,

Lice Ninja has been alerted anonymously by a friend regarding a lice outbreak in your area. Your friend is concern that you may be in contact with someone infested with head lice. Do not be panic, your friend cares about you and thinks you might want to be on a lookout for head lice.

There are a few steps to be taken but first of all, do not be panic. Do not start blaming or pointing fingers and certainly there is no need to ashamed of it. Head lice are not a sign of un-cleanliness or an indication that you did anything wrong as a parent.If we start alerting people with head lice, certainly the head lice homeless rates will be on the rise. Having head lice does not mean the person is unclean. Almost 8-12 million people coming from different socio-economic background, race, age, are infected with head lice each year and they are very common, as common as getting cold.

Next step is to:

  • Check for head lice in your family It is important to check each members in your family to know who's infested with head lice. For information about what to look for, visit our web site at Head Lice Symptom, Diagnosis & Pictures.

  • Alert and Communicate within your community about lice outbreak
  • Contact Lice Ninja.. We can help you regarding any questions or if you would like to make an appointment with us. We have been helping people getting rid of head lice.

  • Good Luck and Have a Lice Free Day !!

    From: The Lice Ninja Team

    Call -0142329774 OR 0122515665

    Email -

    Website - Lice Ninja Website

    NOTICE:This is not a SPAM email and we will not SPAM you on products & ads. This is a kind alert from an anonymous friend who cares about you.

    Type the 2nd Word in our Salon's Name:  (for security reasons)

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