Name: |
E-mail: |
House Phone: |
Mobile Phone: |
Address: |
How did you hear about Lice Ninja? |
Have you had any experience with head lice? Please explain. |
Why do you want to become a Lice Ninja Licensee?
In what area does this business attracts you? |
Why do you believe you are suited to operating a Lice Ninja License? |
Do you have previous experience operating a business? |
If yes provide details. (Business Name, Address, Telephone, Current Status, Length of Time, etc.) |
Have you ever been dismissed from any position of employment??
Do you have nursing, hair dressing or child care qualifications? Please List them to us. |
What is your net worth? |
How much are you willing to invest? |
What is your level of commitment? |
Why do you think you will be successful? |
Will you devote your full time to the business? |
If you're willing to devote full time, how many hours per day, per week? |
If you're not willing to devote full time, please state how you propose to operate the business. |
What are your main weaknesses? |
What are your strength? |
What area/territories are you interested in? |
Type the 2nd Word in our Salon's Name: |
(for security reasons)