Malaysia's Head Lice Removal Salon

Lice Ninja Licensing Application

Thank you for your expression of interest in purchasing a Lice Ninja License.

Note that this is NOT a confirmation of an applicant, but a request for one. The requested information from us is very important that all information you provided are true, accurate and not misleading. We may personally contact you, for any further proof and requests. Please take the time to fill out the form. Estimated burden time is 45 minutes. Once you have submitted your application form, please proceed to Licensing Payment , for licensing application. If you are accepted, the money will automatically deducted from you licensing cost. If you are not accepted, we will refund your money back. Any applicants who has not make any payment will be ignored.

House Phone:
Mobile Phone:
How did you hear about Lice Ninja?
Have you had any experience with
head lice? Please explain.
Why do you want to become
a Lice Ninja Licensee?
In what area does this
business attracts you?
Why do you believe you are suited to
operating a Lice Ninja License?
Do you have previous experience
operating a business?
If yes provide details.
(Business Name, Address, Telephone,
Current Status, Length of Time, etc.)
Have you ever been dismissed
from any position of employment??
Do you have nursing, hair dressing
or child care qualifications?
Please List them to us.
What is your net worth?
How much are you willing to invest?
What is your level of commitment?
Why do you think you will be successful?
Will you devote your full time
to the business?
If you're willing to devote full time,
how many hours per day,
per week?
If you're not willing to devote
full time, please state how you propose to
operate the business.
What are your main weaknesses?
What are your strength?
What area/territories are you
interested in?
Type the 2nd Word in our Salon's Name:  (for security reasons)
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